Saturday, November 22, 2008

It is getting closer the biggest home cooking day of the year. No, not the Super Bowl but the day families get together and friends Thanksgiving Day. The books come out, crock pots, and old family recipes, traditions.
I love the part in "Fiddler On the Roof" when the father dances and keeps asking God about the old traditions. He realised the old ways are going away with each generation of his girls. He says he has to change.
Eating out is the same way. The traditional restaurants are going away and new ideas have to materialize. Isaiah told me of Boston market was torn down near Fairfield Mall to make way for a New Cafe McDonald's. The arches are even going to be different.
I have noticed in some of my restaurant newsletters I receive on a daily basis Dairy Queen are putting on a new face lift. The one comment was it is traditional to have Dairy Queen even the name will change to Brazier Chill and Grill more focus on food. Wendy's and Arby's have merged and new menu items are overlapping in to each store.
Times are changing and eating habits are changing. The homemade meals on one day of the year has taken over the traditional family daily meal using the traditional recipes mom and dad passed down.
Things change. The Kanoe Cafe is changing and doing quickly.
Eat Well

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